[SABCS2014]乳腺癌放疗能否提高患者生存率—— Ivo A. Olivotto访谈

作者:  I.A.Olivotto博士   日期:2014/12/14 20:25:48  浏览量:64048




  Oncology Frontier : When considering internal mammary nodes in irradiation can you talk about that in association with the survival of breast cancer patients?


  Dr. Ollivotto: The number of evolving studies, big studies, big randomized studies, one done in Europe and one done in North America and Australia and New Zealand, and then a big cohort study from Denmark that have all looked at the issue of more extensive radiation than less extensive radiation. This goes back to the 1997 (or there about) when 2 studies, one from Denmark one from British Columbia (Canada) were published looking at women who have been treated with mastectomy and they had positive nodes. Most of them had 1 to 3 positive nodes and the patients were randomized between just mastectomy and they all had chemotherapy or hormone therapy or no radiation. When we looked at 10 and 15 year follow up, at 5 years there was really no difference in survival. But by 10 or 15 years follow up, there was statistically significant survival gains in the 5 to 8% range in young women with positive nodes that got radiation of the chest wall and lymph node areas. That was in 1997 when the New England Journal of Medicine had a couple of publications, which had a big impact in some places. It demonstrated that radiation not only improved local control, which had been known for years and years, but it also improves survival. Today, most women are treated with lumpectomy and radiation where you are treating already, the chest wall, most of that as post mastectomy volume. There were a number of studies launched in the late 90s to address the issue of whether adding radiation to internal mammary nodes and medial supraclavicular nodes improves survival. These are now getting to mature enough to have 10 year follow up and these data was not presented at the current meeting but the final analyses of those big studies, 1800 patients in North America and Australia, and 4000 from Europe, when you pool them together, and this has just been done recently and they have been submitted for publication. I am aware of that. It has to go through the peer review process but they do show small but potentially important survival gains with long term follow up. Both the studies show very consistent effect of decreasing local recurrence, which is to radiate something to prevent it from growing. Both of these have a statistically significant improvement in avoiding distant metastases. The risk of distant metastases is definitely reduced about 5% in these studies, and we do not have curative treatment for distant metastases. If we develop and prevent distance metastases for 5 to 7 years, we eventually are going to be preventing death at 10 and 15 years. So we have 10 year follow up on these big studies now, but the time we have 15 year follow up I think the avoidance of distant metastases will translate into improved survival. Right now there are small differences, 1 or 2% survival at 10 years and they are just bordering on statistical significance. In the European study with 4000 patients, it is statistically different; it is statistically higher by treating. Now is it the internal mammary nodes or is it the supraclavicular nodes, it is difficult to tease apart. In many of the old historical post mastectomy studies, the studies that did not include internal mammary nodes did not demonstrate an improvement to survival. The other thing that has recently come into the literature and is in the process of being published and presented at meetings is a big cohort study and was discussed at this meeting yesterday, that there was a big study in Denmark in which up until 2003 when they began to be concerned about left sided radiation effecting the heart and increasing the risk of heart attacks, up until 2003 the Danish policy and everybody followed the policy, was that everybody should have internal mammary radiation. That is just the way they did it and in 2003 they decided that they will not give internal mammary radiation anymore in left sided breast cancer but because we have always given it, we will continue to give it to right sided breast cancer. They have now followed up patients treated under that new policy between 2003 and 2007, a couple of thousand patients, and it wasn’t really discussed at this meeting but it has been discussed elsewhere, that the policy was very well followed, like 97% of the right sided patients got internal mammary radiation and like 3 or 4% of the left sided breast cancer patients got internal mammary radiation so it was like a very discreet, very dramatic difference in the treatment. Otherwise everything else was the same, same chemo, same radiotherapy and all that stuff. There is a 3% improvement in survival with longer term follow up in patient who with right sided breast cancer as opposed to left sided breast cancer. What that says is that if you extend the radiation volume to patients, especially if there are bigger tumors, lymphatic invasion, and medial lesions, so a patient with 1 involved node, or 2 involved nodes in the central to medial part of the breast, especially if they also have lymphatic or vascular invasion around the tumor, they have a 20 or 30% risk of internal mammary involvement. We know that because there was a big study from China that investigated biopsying and removing lymph nodes. Surgery alone to one lymph node area does not improve survival but radiation to a large area including the intramammary nodes improves survival by a few percent. You can say “well, is that worth bothering about?” but that is as large a survival or bigger survival impact than switching from tamoxifen to an aromatase inhibitor or using an aromatase inhibitor in addition to tamoxifen in node negative patients. If you are doing that and if you actually believe that that is an important thing to do in terms of the investment, then if you are given the radiation and extending it to include the intramammary nodes, actually it does not add any cost to the health system. You have to do it and you have to pay attention technically to how you do it especially on the left side, you have to use techniques that now avoid the heart and it is possible to do from a technical perspective so that you do not cause heart damage but it does improve survival by a modest amount, the sort of amount that we now observe and make dramatic changes in treatment policy for systemic disease.


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