
Interview with president of WCLC 2017

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2017/10/16 11:26:54  浏览量:19302


《肿瘤瞭望》有幸现场采访了大会主席 Hisao Asamura教授,他在访谈中介绍了2017 WCLC的特色和重点内容。

Oncology Frontier: WCLC hold in Japan has attracted intense interest from Chinese doctors, would you please give a brief introduction to the features of WCLC 2017?

Dr Asamura: This is the 18th World Conference of Lung Cancer by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). The WCLC used to be held biannually, but in recent years there have been drastic changes in the treatment of patients with lung cancer. There are new drugs such as the anti-PD-1 antibody and other immunotherapies and drugs in targeted therapy, so the progress in treatment strategies has surpassed previous efforts. Therefore, we hold this conference annually now, and this is the third such annual meeting. This year, we are focusing on new treatments, especially the immunotherapies, under the title “Immunotherapy Update”. We will be especially discussing new treatments for lung cancer.

Oncology Frontier: You will give a presentation on Limited vs. Standard Surgical Resection for Small-Sized Early
Stage Lung Cancer, would you please share your opinion on this question with us?
Dr Asamura:  Surgeons have been loosing our territory in recent years, but at this meeting we will be discussing the indications and skills required for things like limited resection. These procedures might be indicated for smaller size tumors and earlier cases. We will be comparing different techniques amongst different surgeons.
This is an interesting, old, but very important question in thoracic surgery. Lobectomy has been the standard mode of treatment for many years, but we are encountering smaller and earlier cases these days. Whether lobectomy is still the gold standard for these tumors is highly questionable. JCOG (Japanese Clinical Oncology Group) is conducting a randomized trial comparing lobectomy to segmentectomy. We are assessing the outcomes of limited resection or segmentectomy by scientifically conducted comparisons. We will have results in 2020, but until then, I should be very cautious as to whether segmentectomy would be indicated. My current impression however, is that that is a profound possibility, and that segmentectomy can be superior to lobectomy. I repeat though, that I cannot state that with absolute conviction until 2020.
《肿瘤瞭望》有幸现场采访了大会主席 Hisao Asamura教授,他在访谈中介绍了2017 WCLC的特色和重点内容。
Hisao Asamura教授在访谈中指出,由于肺癌的科学进展迅速,特别是靶向治疗药物和抗PD-1抗体等免疫疗法的研发如火如荼,肺癌治疗以前所未有的速度在进步,因此IASLC决定每年举办一次世界肺癌大会。今天,日本横滨迎来了IASLC WCLC成为年度会议后的第三次会议。 今年的WCLC聚焦了肺癌的新治疗方法,特别是免疫疗法的更新,大会对有潜力的肺癌治疗新方法展开诸多讨论。
早期肺癌的标准手术术式多年来一直是肺叶切除术,但临床上发现了越来越多的小肿瘤和更加早期的病例,肺叶切除是否仍然是这些肿瘤的金标准值得怀疑。小肿瘤早期肺癌是采用标准术式还是更小范围的切除,这是一个古老的但非常重要的问题。日本临床肿瘤学组(JCOG )开展了肺癌亚肺叶切除与肺叶切除对比的大型RCT临床研究,在2020年会看到研究结果。2017 WCLC将讨论有限切除术的适应症和技术,对不同外科医生之间技术进行比较。Hisao Asamura教授在2017 WCLC会议上有一项报告(MS 03.02: Limited vs. Standard Surgical Resection: Japanese Experience)。他的观点是,肺段切除术很可能会优于肺叶切除术,但在2020年之前还是要谨慎选择。

版面编辑:朱亚男  责任编辑:张彩琴


WCLCHisao Asamura教授

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